Actor-turned-politician Chiranjeevi today said his Praja Rajyam Party will take a final decision on the separate Telangana demand in accordance with the wishes of people of the region."We honour their self-respect.
Our stand will be in accordance with the people's wishes. It will not be against their wishes.
Our party will be ahead of other parties on the issue," he told reporters here.He was asked about his party's stand on the Telangana demand in the backdrop of main Opposition TDP today announcing that it favours creation of a state covering the backward region of Andhra Pradesh.
Replying to a query on alliances, he said it was too early to talk about the matter.Asked for his party's stance on the Naxalite problem, he said it is not a law and order problem but a social issue.
"It is not a law and order problem. It is a social issue. I am also fighting for social justice," he said.Chiranjeevi is in the town for his maiden mass-contact programme.
He would cover the three districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Visakhapatnam in eight or nine days, sources said.To a query, he said the objective of his tour is to acquire first hand knowledge of the people's problems and to create confidence among them that he is there to take care of them.
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