Sunday, September 7, 2008

Chrianjeevi's Fans Meet in USA - Dallas & Houston

I introduce myself as Ram Tatineni, convenor of Progressive Telugu Forum,based in Dallas,Texas,USA. Progressive Telugu Forum is formed with the objective of encouraging political activity among telugu community in USA.

In the process, we are organizing country wide Chiranjeevi Fans Meet in various cities to promote possible Chiranjeevi's new political party so that most telugu people in USA are aware and involved in discussion and activity.

This weekend we are organizing two such events,one in Dallas Texas and one in Houston,Texas . Both the cities have large telugu populations and we are expecting moderate turnover.

Hence, we are requesting your help to convey the messge to NRI community in these cities so that they can participate and discuss.

Click here for Dallas invitation Click here for Houston invitation Thanks & Regards Ram Tatineni Convenor, Progressive Telugu Forum Dallas,TX-USA Ph:214-551-2437


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